Pastor. Shepherd. Teacher.
About me.
Jesus is my overriding passion and focus. For almost three decades now, since the early days of college, I have been enamored with Him. And because the church is the current body of Jesus on the earth, I live to serve the local church in any way that my unique gifts can help her toward maturity, joy and impact.

“Your Father welcomes a candid and vulnerable heart. Fears, anxieties, and worries do not have to be cleaned up before they are shared.”
“Words spoken are seeds sown. They are weapons exchanged. Words can destroy like a verbal sniper. Your prayer is for hiding. Refuge. Rest. In God. 'Hide me.' ”
"In God’s design, identity is not determined by behavior - rather, our identity in Christ should determine our behavior.”
"The great story of the Scriptures is an epic treasure hunt- and the treasure is the perfect presence of God."
“By God’s grace, pain and trials can loosen our masks, clarify our values and test our idols.”
“As is His Spirit, God’s grace is the most powerful, most misunderstood, under accessed and under appreciated gift that the church has ever received.”
“Each one of us is born into this world looking for someone who is looking for us.”